Department of Computer Engineering
Middle East Technical University
İnönü Bulvarı No:1, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
E-mail: eronur@metu.edu.tr (PGPKey)
Web: https://eonur.ceng.metu.edu.tr
Mobile: +90 (553) 772 6589
Office: +90 (312) 210 5534
Fax: +90 (312) 210 5544
WINS Lab: https://wins.ceng.metu.edu.tr
Ertan Onur is a professor of computer engineering at Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey, and the founding director of the Wireless Systems, Networks and Cybersecurity Laboratory (WINS Lab). He received the B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from Ege University, Izmir, Turkey in 1997, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2001 and 2007, respectively. During the M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies, he worked as a project leader at Global Bilgi, Istanbul, and as an R&D project manager at Argela Technologies, Istanbul. After obtaining his Ph.D. degree, he worked as an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. From 2014 on, he is with Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Dr. Onur’s research interests are in the area of computer networks, wireless networks, and network security. He was a visiting professor at Stony Brook University in 2020 on a Fulbright award and at University of Waterloo on a Tübitak award. He is a member of IEEE.
- We organize the 4th Workshop on Flexible Networks (FlexNets) under ACM SIGCOMM 2021. Submit your papers @https://flexnets21.hotcrp.com
- Invited talk “Sağlıkta 5G Farkı” at 13th Congress of Medical Informatics, March 27, 2021.
- Received the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program grant in 2020.
- Received the TÜBİTAK 2219 grant in 2019.
5G VE ÖTESİ LİSANSÜSTÜ DESTEKLEME PROGRAMI ile ilgilenen T.C. vatandaşı, ODTÜ Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü lisansüstü öğrencileri e-posta yoluyla benden bilgi alabilirler. Başvurular her dönem açılacak.
June 2020 | Professor | Turkey, CS |
May 2013 | Associate Prof. | Turkey, CS |
2001-2007 | Bogazici University, Turkey | PhD, CmpE |
1998-2001 | Bogazici University, Turkey | MSc, CmpE |
1993-1997 | Ege University, Turkey | BSc, CmpE |
Work Experience
12/02/2024- | Middle East Technical University | Engineering Faculty Board Member |
15/08/2022-15/08/2023 | University of Waterloo, Canada | Visiting Professor |
09/06/2020- | Middle East Technical University | Professor |
20/01/2020-20/03/2020 | Stony Brook University, USA | Fulbright Visiting Professor |
08/10/2018-09/06/2020 | Middle East Technical University | Assoc. Prof. |
17/12/2013-08/10/2018 | Middle East Technical University | Asst. Prof. |
01/01/2009-01/07/2013 | Delft University of Technology | Asst. Prof. |
01/11/2007-01/01/2009 | Delft University of Technology | Postdoc |
08/07/2003-31/05/2007 | Argela Technologies, Turkey | Project Manager |
2000-2003 | Global Bilgi, Turkey | Project Leader |
1999-2000 | Bogazici University, Turkcell project | Researcher |
1997-1999 | LMS Durability Technologies, Germany | Trainee, Soft. Eng. |
- CENG435 Data Communications and Networking
- CENG486 Advanced Topics in Networking
- CENG532 Distributed Computing Systems
- CENG530 Computer Networks and Communications
- CENG513 Wireless Communications and Networks
- CENG797 Ad Hoc Networks
- CENG519 (781) Network Security
- CENG489 Introduction to Computer Security
Completed PhD Theses Guided by Ertan Onur
- Adnan Kılıç, A Password-authenticated Threshold-based Group Key Agreement Protocol Leveraging Zero-knowledge Proofs, METU, 2024
- M. Levent Eksert, Intra- and Inter-cluster Link Scheduling in Ad Hoc Networks, METU, 2020
- Alperen Eroğlu, Network Density Estimators and Density-aware Wireless Nretworks, METU, 2020
- Hüsnü Yıldız, A PUF-Based Lightweight Group Authentication and Key Distribution Protocol, METU, 2020
- Shahram Mollahasani, A density-aware, energy- and spectrum-efficient scheduling model for dynamic networks, METU, 2019
- Yunus Durmuş, Autonomous Cooperation in the IoT, TUDelft, 2016 (Promoter: Prof. K. Langendoen)
- Zülküf Genç, Future Home Networks over 60GHz, TUDelft, 2014 (Promoter: Prof. I. Niemegeers)
Completed MS Theses Guided by Ertan Onur
- Berker Acır, Preserving Privacy with Homomorphic Encryption in 5G Network Data Analytics, 8 September, 2023
- Eşref Öztürk ADSES: Anonymous and Secure Decentralized Election System, 8 September, 2023
- Hakan Bostan, Path Verification in Software-defined Networks Using Programmable Data Planes, 24 January 2022
- Berke Tezergil, User Association and Routing in UAV-supported HetNets, 24 January 2022
- Saidu Sokoto, SGLC: A logical clock using succinct graphs, METU, 2022
- Beyza Bütün, Joint virtual machine embedding and wireless data center topology management, 2022
- Egemen Sarıkaya, Placement of 5G RAN slices in multi-tier Open-RAN 5G networks with flexible functional splits, 10 September 2021
- Göksel Şimşek, Balanced path generation and reliability extension for in-band network telemetry, 03 May 2021
- A. Ömer Yamaç, Dynamically determining RAT for energy efficiency in 5G mobile networks, 04 September 2019
- Negin Tabrizi, An ad hoc networking testbed using software-defined radios, 04 September 2019
- Doğanalp Ergenç, Control and User Plane Separation in Ad-hoc Networks, METU, 03 September 2018.
- Mert Çalık, Joint Optimization of Cell Zooming, Scheduling and User Association, METU, 02 February 2018.
- Talha Koruk, Bio-inspired Solutions for Bandwidth Packing, METU, 19 January 2018.
- Aybike Şimşek Dilbaz, Design and Implementation of a Smart Greenhouse, METU, 08 September 2017.
- Adnan Kılıç, Revisiting Shamir’s No-key Protocol: Lightweight Key Transportation, METU, 05 September 2017 (Co-advisor: Cansu Betin Onur, Atılım University, Department of Mathematics).
- Can Mehteroğlu, Semantic Prefetching and Caching in 5G, METU, 11 August 2017.
- Alperen Eroglu, Esimating Density in Large Scale Sensor Networks, METU, 29 January 2015 (Co-advisor: Halit Oguztuzun)
- Tariqul Islam, Statistical Modeling of Intelligent Transportation Systems Communication Channels, TUDelft, 22 May 2013 (Co-advisor B.Boltjes, TNO)
- Praveen Kalyasunadram, Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Algorithms in WBAN, TUDelft, 24 October 2012 (Co-advisor: H. Li (IMEC-NL))
- Mihai Constantinescu, Cooperative Networks: The Mobile Tethering Game, TUDelft, 27 August 2012 (Co-advisor: M. Djurica (TNO), Y. Durmus)
- Yuning Liu, Green Routing Protocols Employing Dual-Radio Cooperation, TUDelft, 30 June 2011 (Co-advisor: M. G. Hawas)
- Khashayar Kotobi, Energy Conservation of Cooperative Communication over Composite Channels, TUDelft, 21 June 2011 (Co-advisor: Dr. U.H. Rizvi) Presently, PhD Student @Pennsylvania State University
- Arash Khatibi, Event-driven MAC Protocol For Dual-Radio Cooperation, TUDelft, 21 June 2011 (Co-advisor: Y. Durmus) Presently, PhD Student @University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Tamas Veres, Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks, TUDelft, 31 May 2011 (Co-advisor: Franck Legendre, Idea League, ETH Switzerland)
- Santiago Alvarez Alvarez, Cognitive Control Plane for Wireless Networks, TUDelft, 31 May 2010 (Co-advisor: Z. Genc)
- Gencay Olcer, Future home networks: Connectivity in 60 GHz Home Networks, TUDelft, 26 April 2010 (Co-advisor: Z. Genc)
- Ilir Bojaxhiu, MSc, Mitigation Techniques for the Energy-Hole Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, Bogazici University, 2009 (Advisor: Prof. Cem Ersoy)
- 2022, An Open-Source Software Framework for Teaching and Experimenting Distributed Algorithms on Wireless Networks (AHC), https://github.com/cengwins/ahc
- 2020 FAME Load Balancing Router with P4
- 2019 ULAK 5G New Radio Resource Allocation Strategies
- 2019 LNL Cellular Mobile Communication Component Development
- 2018 MILSOFT HvBS-NATO ACCS Bütünleşmesi Projesi
- 2017-2018 ASELSAN Cross-layer Clustered Ad Hoc Networks
- 2016-2018 TÜBİTAK-1001 215E127 Yoğunluk-uyarlı Telsiz Şebekeler, 427.478 TL
- 2017, TCKK Güvenlik Araştırması, Akademik Görevlendirme
- 2015-2017 TÜBİTAK 2232 115C064 Bilici Makine Olarak İnternet (Internet as the Oracle), 29.000TL (Proposer)
- 2014-2015 BAP-08-11-2014-025 Software Development Platform for Heterogeneous Internet of Things, 30.000 TL (Proposer)
- 2009-2013 Trans Project, Cognitive Collaborative Networked Systems, TUDelft, 400.000 Euro (Co-proposer)
- 2007-2008 Freeband, PNP2008: Development of a user-centric ambient communication environment, 8M (postdoctoral researcher)
- 2006-2007 TUBITAK, Performance Evaluation, and Design of Wireless Sensor Networks, $165K (researcher)
- 2004-2006 Bogazici University Research Fund, Wireless Sensor Networks, $9K (researcher)
- 2004-2005 State Planning Organization of Turkey, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, $140K (researcher)
- 2003-2004 Turkcell Inc., Replanning of Cell Capacities in Cellular Wireless Networks, $100K (researcher)
- 2003-2004 State Planning Org. of Turkey, Multimedia Communications over Wireless Networks, $263K (researcher)
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